Thursday, May 2, 2013

Five Days of Being Thankful: Day 3- Thankful for Grace...

On September 23, 2006, I was involved in a horrific car accident that forever changed my life. Most of my friends and family know the details of this accident as I have shared with them countless times the events of that day. I will not go into details here about the crash, but one thing I do want to focus on, was the events that took place after the crash.
In the aftermath of the accident, my mum said something to me that has shaped my life to this very day. Her words were, “Oscar, God has saved you for a purpose…it’s now up to you to discover what that purpose is,” she said as she quoted Jeremiah 29:11 (my favorite verse). At the time, I don’t think I fully comprehended the full ramifications of these words. To date, these words resonate in my mind as if they are being spoken right now. It’s words that I took to heart and fully embraced; I have strived each and every day, sometimes maybe not as hard as I probably should, to live out these words in my life. I have made mistakes, I have erred at times. I have fallen short of my expectations at times but I am eternally thankful for grace…
Through His mercy and grace, I was able to fulfill my childhood dream of studying abroad as I was accepted and successfully earned a degree in Business Management from Anderson University in Indiana, USA. Except for grace. By grace, I have met and made lifelong friends both during my time at AU and after. Except for His grace, I would not be alive today, but because He still has plans and a purpose for my life, I am alive! By His grace, God has blessed me with a job that has helped me realize the calling upon my life to help make a difference in people’s lives through service. I am eternally thankful for this…
So today, I am taking time to thank God for His plans upon my life, for His awesome purpose that He is unfolding and revealing each and every day. I thank God for you, because you are a part of the plans and purpose that God is revealing in my life.
Be blessed…

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