Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mwe Lesa muli bakulu, Tata.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." ~Joshua 1:9

Today begun what is my last semester as an undergraduate at Anderson University. What I thought would be a rather miserable day for me turned out to be a wonderful day; I have a feeling of being at a loss that my time at AU is coming to an end. This past week and weekend has been a mix of emotions for me ranging from completely clueless of what the future looks like, to feeling at a loss that my sister Charity will be spending about 5 months studying abroad-again-in Barcelona, Spain, and joy and fulfillment of what has been, and anticipation of what is to come. Truth is, I was worried. Now, I have learned long ago something about worry...."Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but does not get you anywhere." I have made a resolution for this year to trust more, and learn to rely more on God, and I believe I am learning to do that more each day....

This past Sunday, while on a visit with my sister to my friend Abigail Richardson's house in Franklin, IN., I was invited to be a part of the worship team to lead worship on Sunday morning. While brainstorming which songs to include during worship, my sister suggested a song that we sung at my home church back in Zambia: "Mwelesa muli bakulu tata"...Our God you are great, Father. The message that morning centered on the theme: Do not be afraid. Be strong and courageous. It came at just the right time for me as I was on the verge of beginning what is the last leg of this chapter of my life.

It has been a bittersweet day to say the least, but a wonderful day nonetheless. The first day of class was great, all things considered and given that the first day of class is usually, if not always solely devoted to get a 'glimpse' of what the semester will look like, and so far, I like what lies in store. Outside of class, it was great to reunite with friends and colleague after a month apart. I even got to reunite with a friend who has been away from AU for about a year and a half! What a fantastic start to the semester!

What it comes down to is that I am sad that this is my last semester at Anderson, but I am excited to be graduating and putting this chapter of my life under the belt. Truth is I don't know what the future holds and that's a scary thought, but I am learning what it is to not be afraid, to be strong and courageous, to not be anxious but to trust in God-pantu, Lesa wandi mukulu, ewamaka, elo e Tata wandi.Takandekeleshe :-)

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